
The secret to impressing potential employers

In the current job market, competition is fierce. For every new position that crops up, there can be hundreds of applicants meaning if you want to secure a job you want you need to ensure that you stand out. Here are just a few of the ways you can impress potential employers, and improve your chances of getting the well paid career you’re aiming for.

Qualifications and Experience

Undoubtedly the things that employers will place the most importance on is your qualifications and experience. In many cases, you won’t be able to even apply for jobs without these, and in other cases having them means you can apply for a higher up and better paid position. To gain qualifications you could take some time out and go back into education full time, or you could study online in your spare time. For experience, you could volunteer for a couple of hours a week which would look good on your resume and give you the skills and experience needed to apply for the job you want.

Speaking Another Language

When we live in a world that’s so connected globally, speaking another language is something that employers will almost always find attractive in a candidate. Not only is learning a new language great for your own self development but it’s definitely something that can improve your job prospects too. Decide on a language that interests you or that will be especially useful in the area you want to work in, and then go about learning. If you wanted to learn Hebrew for example, you could contact a company like Citizen Cafe Ulpan Tel Aviv. There are lots of apps and videos online that can help you in your quest to learn a new language too.

Interesting Hobbies

As well as finding out what kind of employee you are, employers will also be interested in what you’re like as a person. This helps them to work out if you will fit in with the workplace environment and generally get along well in the company. Hobbies are actually a fantastic way of sneaking in some additional information about skills you have that would make you a good candidate. For example, if you talk about team sports then it helps you show that you work well with others and will likely be good with cooperation. If you speak about creative hobbies like writing, art or crafts it shows you have vision, imagination and will perhaps be good at thinking ‘outside the box.’ To improve your career prospects, why not take up some interesting new hobbies that will give you additional skills that employees will be looking for in your field of work. Avoid boring and generic answers like socialising and going to the gym.

Improving these things could be the difference between an employer choosing you over another candidate. Do what you can to improve yourself overall and in turn this will make you more attractive to a potential employee too.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo 

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