
Is your website driving people away?

Having a website isn’t enough, you must make sure this site is doing everything it can for you to increase your sales. If you have a website that you think might be ineffective, here are a few things to look out for…

How easy is it to buy your products/services from the website? One principle of digital marketing is that it shouldn’t take more than two clicks to make a purchase from your website. Any more than that and your customers may get confused or frustrated. If you don’t already have one, consider adding a button somewhere on the permanent tabs list that allows people to make purchases directly.

Does the website work properly on all devices? Mobile browsing is much more popular now than it used to be. A large percentage of your website traffic is probably coming from mobile devices. You need to take this into consideration and have your website designed responsively so it can operate well on all mobile devices as well as computer browsers.

Is your website too under- or overwhelming? Too much information or too little information can both be business killers. If you don’t give people enough info about the product or service they may not know exactly what you’re offering, but if you give them too much they may feel overwhelmed by your site and not even read the information given.

Your website is essentially a 24-hour store that people may visit at any time. If it is not attractive, doesn’t help them, or is difficult to navigate than your chances of making a sale or even keeping people’s attention are very slim. You also need to ensure your website is up-to-date, so let’s look at some trends…

Firstly, we have simplicity, as many web designers like Darren Langley are recommending websites without all the bells and whistles these days in favour of a simpler, more elegant design. Simplicity makes it easy to navigate around a site and find what you want to know quickly.

More scrolling is becoming popular too, as more mobile browsing means that links and buttons are not the best way to get around a website anymore. Having most of the information grouped together on one or a few pages will make the mobile website run more smoothly as there is less that would need to be loaded.

Unique storytelling is another key trend. All those who work in web design know that capturing and retaining people’s attention is very important. To this end, a new trend of storytelling through unique, dynamic, and interactive ways has been common websites.

Finally, we have fixed navigation bars. As time goes on, more and more web designers are switching to having the top navigation bar attach itself to the window as a viewer scrolls down. This makes it easier to get around the website itself and can improve digital marketing by making it simpler to purchase or register at any point.

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