
Setting up a starter home office in 5 simple steps

When you first think about doing something for yourself, it can be scary. You’ll often spend months or years thinking about it before you get things underway. But you will find that one day, you just can’t sit on your business venture idea any more. You have to act! And this is definitely something that you can do while you’re still working full-time. As long as you have a passion for what you want to do, you can get things set up and running while you’re working. You just have to make sure that you’re pouring your all into it at home.

Something that can help you here is to have a starter home office setup. It doesn’t have to be anything big or impressive, but it does have to be somewhere that you can work on your venture to get things off the ground. So let’s take a look at the five steps to follow to get things in place for you.

  1. Choose The Space

The first step is to figure out where it’s going to go. But even if right now you think that there’s just nowhere for it to go, you’ll realize that you can easily squeeze an office into an already crowded house. So think about the rooms that you have available. Maybe there’s a spare room with junk in it you can clear out? Or a garage that you can set up in? Just be creative about how you do this.

  1. Get The Desk

Next, you’re going to want to make sure that you get a desk setup all ready for the space. Take a look online and see what kind of options are available. Even if you don’t want to spend a lot of money, you’ll want to think about heading to a local flea market. Don’t forget about Craigslist either, as there may be people looking to get rid of an old desk that you could pick up instead.

  1. Add In The Equipment

Then, you’re going to want to make sure that you have all of the equipment that you need. Whether this is your computer, your hard drive, or your business fax machine, just make sure that you have all of the space available to make this happen. You’ll then feel like you have the professional space that you need.

  1. Get Organized

Next, you need to make sure that you are super organized. This means getting your diary, your calendar, and any storage you need together. It’s going to help you to feel like your business venture is professional and legitimate, even when you’re working from home in your spare time.

  1. Make It Yours

Finally, it’s also helpful to put in some personal touches to help you too. You may not want to go all out with the decor just yet, because it’s more important to just get things up and running. But you should think about putting up pictures, bringing in your favorite stationary, or even getting a coffee machine.

Photo by Slava Keyzman


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