If you would like to improve your income, but don’t want to invest long years in further education, there’s good news. You can change your career and get trained in just a few months or on the job, doubling or even tripling your earnings. Below you’ll find a selection of highly paid jobs that will not require you to go back to college.
1 – Electrician
Due to the increased regulations of the trade, you will need to complete a short training course to work with electricity, but certainly don’t have to get a degree. As people are generally worried about touching anything to do with wires, your skills will be in high demand. As a highly specialised and responsible trade, you can earn a good living as an employee, or by setting up your online business.
2 – Forklift Driver
With the development of the global trade, you will be able to work for large delivery and haulage companies, or international warehousing firms. With the shift allowances, and the growing demand for skilled and experienced people in the field, you can earn a decent wage. The course you have to take will take a few months only. Check out the Forklift Trainers website to find out more about the cost and duration of the courses.
3 – HVAC Engineer
Every house and business has heating and air conditioning systems. If they break, they will need a qualified engineer. You can get a short college course to learn the trade, or become an apprentice to master the practical skills. Heating and air conditioning engineers can earn a good salary, especially if they are on call and offer emergency services. People don’t want to wait for days until their heating is fixed or they can have a shower.
4 – Air Transport Operator
Another great idea if you are looking for a more interesting and challenging career with a good pay is becoming an air transport operator. You might be on the airfield, monitoring the traffic, or learn how to work on the computer systems. You will receive on site training, and – due to the huge responsibility – you will get a good salary. Working shifts will also increase your earning potential.
5 – Funeral Director
The sad fact is that people die every day. With an aging population, this job is likely to be in demand for a while. You need to be organized and compassionate, a good communicator, and you can help relatives say goodbye to their loved ones the right way. A funeral director often earns a basic salary and a commission on top. If you are not squeamish, this might be the perfect job for you.
Many of us dream about having a new career, but don’t want to spend years of our lives getting an additional university degree. Find a job that doesn’t require you to sit in the classroom for longer than necessary and still secure a long term career that gives you the financial rewards and recognition you have been looking for.