Flexible working and entirely remote jobs are on the rise. Although they are not yet the norm, according to a survey, the majority of people..
We all have our own visions of what success looks like. But that also means that we all know what we want to achieve when..
Yesterday I saw Mitacs tweet about the Beyond The Professoriate conference, and I retweeted it to spread the word (I spoke at one of the first..
In the USA alone, 55,006 people received their PhD in 2015, according to the National Science Foundation. Job opportunities are dwindling and many end up in..
It’s Ada Lovelace Day again! Not exactly a holiday or a date too many people outside of STEM fields are familiar with, but nonetheless an important highlight...
Many current PhD students or early career researchers find themselves at a crossroads, considering alternate career options. For years we’ve known that the number of..
I was lucky enough to attend the 2016 Everywoman Forum: Advancing Women in Technology (2017 event page is here) recently. Together with 600 other women,..
Recently I met Jennifer Polk, who heads up FromPhDtoLife.com, and gives graduate students and academics advice on their career transitions. I didn’t meet Jen completely..